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African-American Archaeology

Newsletter of the African-American Archaeology Network

Number 17, Fall 1996

Thomas R. Wheaton, Editor


Since 1993 (Issue 8) when I took over the editorship of African-American Archaeology from Theresa Singleton, I have enjoyed dealing with the readership, sharing ideas and information, and just being part of what I consider tobe a very important area of study. My purpose as editor has been to produce a newsletter that is current, that is useful to scholars and non-scholars alike, and that comes out on a regular basis. This past year and a half, I have found it impossible to do the legwork necessary to maintain my self-imposed schedule of three issues a year. For this reason and because I think it is time for someone with new ideas and energy to give it a try, this will be my last issue as editor of the hardcopy version of the Newsletter. I will continue to publish the web version at

John McCarthy at the Institute of Minnesota Archaeology has offered to take over as editor, and as you will remember, he recently presented a comprehensive overview of the development of African-American history and archaeology studies. He has worked on African-American sites in the Northeast and Midwest, and I look forward to watching the Newsletter develop under his guidance. Depending upon how John approaches the job, there may be changes in scheduling, format and costs. In keeping with how the newsletter has been operated in the past, these issues are completely John's responsibility.

Everyone is reminded to attend our annual workshop in Corpus Christion Saturday, January 11, from 4-7 P.M. I was remiss in getting our reservations into the program chair so that we do not appear on the preliminary program. We will be included on the final program. Ywone Edwards of Colonial Williamsburg has organized this workshop. The theme will the implications of ritual an spirituality on our interpretations and understanding of what we find archaeologically. You are encouraged to bring artifacts or other evidence to a round table discussion that will follow a few, brief focussing statements by key speakers. As always, the entire membership of SHA is invited to attend and participate in what is an informal discussion of where we are in the sub field of African-American Archaeology and where we should be headed. Everyone from graduate students to the grey beards are encouraged to speak up.

I hope to see all of you in Corpus Christi.

Tom Wheaton

Public Archaeology Review

Public Archaeology Review is a refereed journal published by the Center for Archaeology in the Public Interest at Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis. We are soliciting manuscripts for articles, reports, and commentaries relating to archaeology done with a view toward public issues. Topics include ethics, outreach, looting, public education, heritage management and law, repatriation, eco-tourism, and the history of public oriented archaeology.The scope is international. Please send three copies of articles, along with illustrations to April Sievert, Editor, Public Archaeology Review, Dept. of Anthropology, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN 46202-5140, phone (317) 274-1406, e-mail Guidelines for contributors are available on request.

African Earthenware

Marcos Andre Torres de Souza, a historical archaeologist at the Instituto Goiano de Pre-Historia e Antropologia Universidad Catolica de Goias, is interested in receiving copies of papers and notification of publicationsin African earthenware as his resources in Brazil are limited. Presumably he is interested in such sources from Africa and from African occupied sites in the New World. You may contact Mr. Torres de Souza at his e-mail address,

Thesis Research

Taylor Michaels is interested in receiving information concerning sewing tools found in plantation and urban slave sites, for thesis and ongoing research on slave quilting. He is currently interested in states other than South Carolina as he has surveyed site reports there through the 1994 season. However, he is still interested in new finds there. You may contact Mr. Michaels at 715 Regency Square, Apt. 308, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008.

Tulane-Cambridge Atlantic World Studies Group

Sue Henry Reynaud brings to your attention a conference held at the end of November in New Orleans. Tulane and Cambridge have joined in a long-term collaborative project to advance the study of historical themes spanning the Atlantic. Over a six year period, a group of senior scholars will meet alternately in New Orleans and Cambridge to discuss research on several historical subjects. The purpose of the inaugural meeting in New Orleans was to examine the differential effects of two broad structural changes -- the establishment of slavery and emancipation -- on race, class, and genderin societies of the Atlantic world. A number scholars primarily historians (Theresa Singleton was a notable exception), from England, the US and the Caribbean presented papers on a variety of topics. For further informationcontact Emily Clark at Anyone who attended the conference is encouraged to submit a synopsis to this newsletter for its next issue.

A New Newsletter

"On July 13, 1996, a new association interested in the study of the past was formed. The Zimbabwe Historical Studies Association, seeks among other things 'to promote and encourage historical studies mainly in the past of Zimbabwe from various disciplines including, but not limited to history, archaeology, economic history, political science, religious history, law, etc.' and 'to promote collaborative research and facilities for scholarly exchange of ideas and publications between individuals and institutions engaged in the study and research in the human past in Zimbabwe.'"

Thus begins Volume 1, Issue 1 of Historical Studies News, a new newsletter by the Historical Studies Association of Zimbabwe. This first issue discusses the purposes behind the organization, how it was formed and by whom, its constitution and a call for papers for its new refereed publication, Journal of Zimbabwean Historical Studies. Membership in the association for North American residents is US $20 per year. Please send inquiries to The Secretary, Attention Dr. I. Pikirayi, History Department, University of Zimbabwe, Box MP167, Mt. Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe.

Electronic version compiled by Thomas R. Wheaton, New South Associates, Inc.

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